Ffmpeg copy audio only
Ffmpeg copy audio only

When we hit Enter after the command, we haven’t told ffmpeg exactly what to do with the file, so it spits out an error. What we’ve actually told ffmpeg is that Bohemian_Rhapsody.flv is the input file. The above command is a bit of a hack, and you’ll get errors, but don’t worry.

ffmpeg copy audio only

Note: if you’re trying this along with the tutorial, substitute the name of your file each time you see it used in the commands.

ffmpeg copy audio only

Now that we’ve used cd to change directory to the Desktop, we need to type the following command: This is important because if you tell a program (like FFmpeg) to act on a file, only the file isn’t where the Terminal is “looking” then you will get errors. This moves the Terminal program into the same directory (the Desktop in this case), so all of our commands will be active there. In our example, the file is called Bohemian_Rhapsody.flv and it is located on the Desktop. To do that, open the Terminal (if it isn’t still open), and change to the directory where the FLV file is located. The first thing we need to do is find out exactly what codecs are used in our FLV file.

Ffmpeg copy audio only